By sally, on January 17th, 2011
It’s safe to say that winter is not my favorite season. Short and dreary days are just not my thing. Perhaps it is my Southern California upbringing—where I experienced mostly mild weather—that has made me a wimp when it comes to cold. I realize that Bay Area winters are a [...]
By sally, on September 19th, 2010
We apologize for the disappearance of our blog earlier this week. We were experiencing some technical difficulties. Yes, we had quite a scare here at Tasty Easy Healthy Green. Yesterday I noticed that not a single person had visited the site the previous day and that very few had visited the day [...]
By sally, on December 12th, 2009
Cookbooks! I seem to have a love-hate relationship with cookbooks. Well, maybe that’s a little too strong of a statement. Its more like a love-ignore relationship — I love them, but then I ignore them. I am drawn to the cookbook section in bookstores and love bringing home new books with inspirational [...]
By sally, on October 10th, 2009
While we’ve found identifying tasty, easy, and healthy foods to be pretty challenging, figuring out what is “green” has been even more difficult. You not only have to think about the direct environmental impacts of growing the food (from pesticides, fertilizers, tractor fuel, etc.), but also the indirect impacts of transporting and selling it. [...]
